Giga Berlin

Tesla Giga Berlin Permitted to Install Piles for Construction of Additional Workshop

Photo: @Gf4Tesla/Twitter

Tesla Giga Berlin received permission to install piles for the construction of an additional workshop. The court ruled that the manufacturer can use the desired type of piles, as this does not have a negative impact on groundwater.

A few months ago, it became known that Giga Berlin was planning further expansion. The factory should get another line in the Press Shop to increase its production capacity. Bored piles were chosen for construction, as they are most suitable given that there are already completed buildings nearby.

On March 2, 2022, Tesla received permission to install 1,163 bored piles, which are used to prevent vibration in the already erected factory buildings. However, on March 24, 2022, Tesla notified the water authority of the Oder-Spree district to replace 210 bored piles with driven piles. The lower water management authority notified in writing that amendments to the water legislation permit are not required, since the volume, location, and purpose of the intended use of the water body will not change. The amount of ground displacement also does not change when the pile type is changed. The water association Strausberg-Erkner objected to this and applied to the administrative court of Frankfurt an der Oder with an urgent motion to oblige the Oder-Spree district to ban the use of “non-circular piles,” as this would worsen the rheological properties of groundwater.

With a judgment on June 30, 2022, the Administrative Court of Frankfurt an der Oder rejected the urgent application. In support of the decision, the court stated that, according to the available hydrogeological studies, no impacts had been identified that could worsen the good quantitative and chemical state of the groundwater. In particular, pile foundations do not affect the quantitative status of groundwater. They do not cause a decrease in performance and do not cause a corresponding blocking action of groundwater. According to hydrogeological studies, the injection method does not affect the hydrogeological conditions and the aquifer.

H/T @Gf4Tesla/Twitter

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Eva Fox

Eva Fox

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