
Tesla Solarglass Roof V3 Installations Reach Massachusetts

Featured Image Credit: TheNeumannFamily/YouTube

Tesla Solarglass Roof V3 installations have reached Massachusetts. The installation, which is reportedly the first one in the state and the second one in the East Coast, hints at Tesla’s ramp of its flagship solar product: the aesthetically-pleasing Solarglass Roof tiles. That being said, there are still some things that Tesla is yet to improve to fully ramp the Solarglass Roof. 

In a statement to PV Magazine, Bert Bremer, the homeowner, noted that his house actually needed a new roof. Bremer lives with his wife, and both are advocates of living “lightly.” Being supporters of clean energy, the couple were looking to have solar panels installed, and it just so happened that their North Dorchester home, which was built in 1895, had an asphalt roof that was installed back in 1991. 

Seeing as their home needed a new roof anyway, the Bremers ordered Solar Roof tiles from Tesla in 2017. However, anyone who has followed Tesla over the years would know that the wait for the Solar Roof would be long as the company transitioned from Version 2 of the solar shingles to Version 3. The couple could have easily gone for traditional panels like their neighbors, but the Breners wanted a better look. So they opted to wait. 


Credit: PV Magazine

As it turned out, the wait would be worth it. The Breners’ opted for a 7.5 kW system that includes two Powerwall batteries, allowing the family to maximize the value of their Tesla Energy system. Overall, the installation took around 12 days to complete, partly due to the Breners’ lot being a bit tight and their roofs’ 12:12 pitch. Speaking to PV Magazine following the installation of the tiles, Brener stated that the finished product “looks good.”

The installation of Solarglass Roof V3 tiles in Massachusetts bodes well for Tesla Energy’s ramp of its flagship solar product. So far, Tesla has reached a milestone with the Solar Roof, with the company being able to build enough tiles to support about 1,000 installations per week. The fact that installations have expanded to the East Coast means that a serious ramp of the product is about to start soon. 

Of course, there are still areas for improvement. Elon Musk aims to have Solar Roof installations completed at around the same timeframe as traditional roof tiles. However, today, installations still take several days, or even a couple of weeks. Tesla is known for its constant improvements, however, so it would likely be only a matter of time before installations of the solar shingles become more rapid. 

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Ma. Claribelle Deveza

Ma. Claribelle Deveza

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