FSD Beta

Tesla Rolls Out FSD Beta 9.2 with Great Improvements

Tesla Rolls Out FSD Beta 9.2 with Great Improvements

Photo: Whole Mars Catalog/Twitter

With a slight delay, Tesla rolled out FSD Beta 9.2 with significant improvements. The head of the company, Elon Musk, shared the unique details of the system’s improvements via Twitter.

The new version of FSD Beta was supposed to be released on Friday, August 13 at 00:00, but due to unexpected factors, it was slightly delayed. On August 15, testers got access to a new update that brought Tesla even closer to achieving full autonomy. Whole Mars Catalog/Twitter shared a video of the first ride with the new software. We can see that the car drives confidently and makes smooth maneuvers in various road conditions.

The Tesla CEO also shared some interesting details of exactly what improvements were made in V9.2 and some that will be achieved by the team soon:

  • Clear-to-go boost through turns on minor-to-major roads (plan to expand to all roads in V9.3)
  • Improved peek behavior where we are smarter about when to go around the lead vehicle by reasoning about the causes for lead vehicle being slow.
  • v1 of the Multi-modal predictions for where other vehicles expected to drive. This is only partially consumed for now.
  • New Lanes network with 50k more clips (almost double) from the new auto-labeling pipeline
  • New VRU velocity model with 12% improvement to velocity and better VRU clear-to-go performance. This is the first model trained with "Quantization-Aware-Training", an improved technique to mitigate int8 quantization.
  • Enabled Inter-SoC synchronous compute scheduling between vision and vector space processes. Planner in the loop is happening in v10.
  • Shadow mode for new crossing/merging targets network which will help improve VRU control

In addition, Musk said that a few more improvements are needed to move on to the next stage. According to his assumptions, after V9.2 there will be one or two more updates, and only after that, the release of V10 is possible, in which there will be significant architectural changes made. Together with V10, or with V10.1, a "FSD Button" should appear, with the help of which Tesla car owners will be able to request the installation of FSD Beta in their car to join the testing team. Musk explained that the Tesla Autopilot team faced delays due to the transition to pure vision, which effectively set the progress back. "Vision plus (coarse) radar had us trapped in a local maximum, like a level cap," he wrote. However, the company continues to gradually reach new successes that lead it to Level 5 autonomy.

© 2021, Eva Fox. All rights reserved.


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Article edited by @SmokeyShorts, you can follow him on Twitter

About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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