Giga Mexico

Tesla Giga Mexico to Plant Twice the Trees Required by Law After Clearing Land for Construction

Image: Samuel García

For the construction of Giga Mexico, Tesla will need to clear the territory. The company promised to plant twice as many trees as the country's law requires. Tesla sets an example of how companies building factories should act in order to minimize construction impact on the environment.

In order to build large facilities, significant preparation of the territory is often required. Among the various activities, this sometimes includes clearing trees in the area where construction will take place. Therefore, countries have laws obliging companies to compensate for the damage caused to the environment during construction. When it comes to tree harvesting, companies are required to plant the legal amount to minimize their negative impact.

When Tesla was building in Germany, it had to harvest a pine plantation that grew there. Instead of harvested trees, which were of poor ecological quality, the company sponsored the planting of three times as many trees, consisting of high-quality deciduous trees. The company is now looking to do the same in Mexico, where it will soon begin building a new Gigafactory.

The governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García, tweeted that Tesla will come to Mexico and set an example for how companies should operate. He said he spoke to a Tesla representative who guaranteed the company would reforest the Santa Catarina area where Giga Mexico would be built. Furthermore, the manufacturer promised to plant twice as many trees as required by law.

It is obvious that all companies cannot build their factories in places that suit everyone perfectly. Therefore, during construction, they have to solve many problems related to where the best place for construction will be, which will bring as much benefit as possible and as little damage as possible. As a responsible company, Tesla strives to achieve the best result. Therefore, while producing electric vehicles, which are an integral part of the fight against climate change, it also takes care to cause the least harm to the environment in the process of their production.

© 2023, Eva Fox | Tesmanian. All rights reserved.


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About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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