
Tesla Giga Berlin: The Largest Industrial Investment in Eastern Germany Since 1990, Says Minister President Brandenburg

Tesla Giga Berlin: The Largest Industrial Investment in Eastern Germany Since 1990, Says Minister President Brandenburg

Featured image: Blickpunkt

Minister President Brandenburg Dietmar Woidke continues to rely on Tesla and renewable energy sources. With their help, the reindustrialization of the region should be crowned with success, despite the recent crisis.

Woidke notes that thanks to Tesla, the region is showing positive signs of continued development despite the pandemic, in an interview with He noted that he was very pleased with the cooperation of the Brandenburg government, the Greens and Tesla.

"There are three partners who have never worked together in Brandenburg before. When you see how well the cooperation is going on the Tesla project, for example, you can't complain - even in comparison to other state governments in our neighborhood."

Woidke noted that the construction of the Giga Berlin becomes more visible when you drive past the facility. He says that Tesla's factory has been the largest industrial investment in Germany since 1990. Although the project requires a lot of work, he is proud of Tesla's presence in Brandenburg.

"With all the modesty inherent in us Brandenburgers: It is the largest industrial investment in East Germany since 1990. And in the rest of Germany, you can hardly find anything comparable during this period. That's why we can be proud of. But it still takes hard work to make it a success. That is why we are working on the project with considerable human resources. And I would like to thank my colleagues in the authorities at all levels."

Minister President Brandenburg also assured that despite the importance of the project, there is no special attitude for Tesla. The company is very scrupulous about all issues because they need a legally non-contested procedure. Ultimately, it is about legal confidence that construction cannot be stopped or even prevented.

The regional government is also working hard to make Tesla's presence as comfortable as possible for residents. Therefore, the planning for the expansion of highways and railways is already underway--as the appearance of 10,000-12,000 people of course cannot go unnoticed. Woidke said most of Brandenburg's residents are proud to have this project in the region.

H/T @alex_avoigt / Twitter

Article edited by @SmokeyShorts, you can follow him on Twitter

About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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