Heat pump

Exclusive: Several Model 3 with Heat Pump & Octovalve Produced at Fremont Delivered to Tilburg

Featured image: St3fan/Tesla Motors Club

In the production of Model Y, Tesla utilized many improvements, as well as new technologies and manufacturing techniques. Since the company never stops looking to achieve more, even the models that were previously produced receive some updates. Now we see that the first modernized Model 3s produced at Fremont—with heat pump and octovalve—were just delivered to Europe.

At the end of August, based on changes in Model 3 frunk size, it was suggested that Tesla would add a heating pump and octovalvefeatures already are found in Model Y.

Yesterday, Chinese sources published information that Model 3 made in China will be the first to receive several changes. They also listed a number of updates that should significantly improve Tesla's most popular model.

  • New steering wheel
  • Center console 2.0
  • New headlights and tail lights
  • Power lift trunk
  • Chrome delete
  • Octovalve
  • Double-layer glass for better noise isolation
However, there is a high likelihood that an updated version of the Model 3 will be in production—and possibly already is in production—at Fremont.
  1. Model 3s with a modified frunk were spotted in North America.
  2. Fremont has its own production of necessary components and an established assembly of cars using new technology. This should allow Tesla to move quickly and smoothly into the production of the modernized Model 3.
  3. The modernized Model 3 made in Fremont arrived in Europe.

A source familiar with the matter told Tesmanian exclusively that several Model 3s with a heat pump and octovalve are already in Tilburg. All cars were produced at the Fremont factory.


This may indicate that Tesla intends to start the simultaneous production of the modernized Model 3 at all of its plants at once. More details are likely to be revealed at the end of Q3.

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Eva Fox

Eva Fox

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