
Germany Tesla Model 3 New Owners Are Mainly Switched From Germany Car Brands Like VW, BMW & Mercedes Benz

Featured image: Android PIT

Tesla gradually conquers the European market, as evidenced by the data. The figures show that European buyers of Model 3 previously mainly drove cars of German manufacturers and they pay great attention to maintenance costs.

Survey data analyzed by Auto Motor Sport show that German automakers are losing their customers because of the Tesla Model 3. In addition, new Model 3 drivers are often willing to spend significantly more money on buying Tesla - and then save in the long run.

VW Golf drivers are moving to Model 3. This is especially surprising in terms of price: if the new Golf 8 costs 20,000, then Model 3 will cost its owner at least 44,000, that is, the purchase price is more than twice as much. But, Tesla suggests that customers will no longer focus only on the low purchase price, but instead will include all the costs of the service in their purchase decision.

Electric cars can benefit, for example, from lower taxes, purchase subsidies, and significantly lower maintenance and charging costs. In addition, for many customers, an important factor is the environmental friendliness of the electric car when it comes to making purchasing decisions.

The survey was conducted between February 2019 and February 2020. During this time, almost half of Tesla Model 3 buyers switched from a cheaper car segment to an American electric sedan. Only every 7th respondent previously drove an electric car.

Source: Android PIT

In Germany, the majority of Model 3 buyers were previously drivers of the BMW 3 Series (from €36,500), VW Golf (€20,000), BMW Series 1 (from € 28,300), Mercedes E-Class (from €46,400).

The survey data show that most customers who bought the Tesla Model 3 previously drove:

  • a car with an internal combustion engine and
  • a car of a German manufacturer.

Germany is the heart of automobile manufacturing, both for Europe and for the whole world. But German automakers do not keep up with the times and with the needs of people, which is why they are already seriously behind the electric car manufacturer Tesla.

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Eva Fox

Eva Fox

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