Elon Musk

Tesla Supercharger Use In North America About To Beat Pre-Pandemic Highs

Featured Image Credit: Jakob Härter/Flickr [CC BY-SA 2.0]

Tesla Supercharger usage in North America has steadily increased since April. According to a recent graph shared by Elon Musk, North America’s Supercharger usage could exceed pre-pandemic highs soon, similar to China and the Asia Pacific. 

North America’s (NAM) Tesla Supercharger usage nosedived in early March from above 80% to a little below 40%. The deep fall was likely the result of stay-at-home orders caused by the pandemic. Supercharger usage in the NAM region slowly began to rise again in the middle of April. 

By May, NAM’s Tesla Supercharger usage was above 40%. It was a slight improvement since the beginning of the pandemic, but it was still significantly lower than pre-virus days. However, Supercharger usage continually rose, reaching as high as 60% until the end of May. 

At the beginning of June, there was a slight dip, but it wasn’t as drastic as the nosedive back in March. Currently, NAM’s Supercharger use is back above 80% and could beat pre-pandemic highs by the end of the month if it continues to rise. 

Tesla Supercharger usage in China and the Asia Pacific (APAC) followed a similar path, based on previous Tesmanian articles. The continuous rise of Supercharger usage in NAM, China, and APAC could be an indication of how well the regions are handling the new normal. 

Most countries still enforce social distancing and sanitary precautions to prevent the increase of infections. Despite the precautionary measures, some countries have taken; however, cases continue to rise—albeit at a slower pace. 

The new normal might impact Supercharger usage in the future, but probably not as much as it did before countries worldwide issued stay-at-home orders. Most nations are opting to enforce concentrated community quarantines to prevent the rapid spread of the virus instead of locking down the entire country or large parts if it. 

During nationwide lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, scientists were able to observe the impact ICE vehicles have on the environment, particularly in terms of air quality. In April, multiple reports from relevant experts indicated that both carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels noticeably dropped since governments placed various parts of their countries on lockdown. Most of the research suggested that the reduction of ICE vehicles on roads and the shut down of coal power plants and industries contributed to the decreasing levels of carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. 

About the Author

Ma. Claribelle Deveza

Ma. Claribelle Deveza

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