Elon Musk and Tesla Sent 50K Units of N95 Mask To UW Medicine

Tesla CEO Elon Musk promised yesterday that he would donate 250,000 masks with the N95 protection level, which belong to his companies, to hospitals. Today UCLA Health Hospital received a truckload of various protective items, including masks and gowns from Tesla.

But this is not the only good story and good deed that was committed today. UW Medicine also received masks from Tesla and its CEO. 50,000 masks designed to protect the health of medical personnel in the hospital were delivered to Dr. Kristina Adams Waldorf. The doctor was so impressed with this act that he told this story to The Seattle Times.

The doctor’s friend’s brother works for Tesla, so as soon as he found out that the company was going to donate the necessary protective equipment, he said that Seattle now urgently needed them. According to the estimates of the hospital management, the protective equipment for the staff of the institution was only one week left, and new patients would be arriving with increasing intensity.

On Saturday, Dr. Waldorf received a call from a friend from UCLA, who said that the truck with masks was heading to Seattle, but the driver needed a delivery address. She did not know the address of the supply chain manager or his phone number, so she gave her own.

Delivery of masks was organized in just a few hours. In addition to masks, Tesla donated special protective helmets to the hospital. In order to place such a large number of boxes with protective equipment, the family of the doctor had to clean her garage from personal belongings.

Dr. Waldorf is genuinely moved by such a good deed.

“For some items we have less than a week’s supply, and we expect a surge of patients to start coming. This donation from Tesla is incredible.”

Being positively impressed, Dr. Waldorf posted a message about what just happened on WhatsApp. Thanks to this, other people found out about it and just like Tesla showed an act of mercy. She said that on Saturday night and Sunday morning, people left masks at her doorstep.

“I feel so, so good about being a small part of these donations. To be at this critical shortage of personal protective equipment is frightening. We can’t have our health-care system crumbling at this moment.”

Later, James May, systems operation manager for UW Medicine, took the masks delivered to Dr. Waldorf to take them to the hospital. He was also pleasantly impressed by this act of kindness. 

“It’s cool to see how community and kind of the extended network is pitching in to help out.”

In these difficult times, we must be together and support each other, because only thanks to our kindness and humanity can we cope with the disease and its consequences.

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Eva Fox

Eva Fox

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